Our Vision of Hope Schools

School Principals
RUTH VILLANEDA Santa Teresita School, 2646 Zonal Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033
323-221-1129 • rvillaneda@
ADRIANA BRONZINA Sacred Heart Elementary, 2109 Sichel St., Los Angeles, CA 90031
323-225-4177 • gro.altraehdercasnull@aniznorba
CARMEN HART Saint Frances X. Cabrini School, 1428 Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, CA 90047
323-756-1354 • moc.liamgnull@inirbactraho
AUDREY BLANCHETTE Saint Ignatius of Loyola School, 6025 Monte Vista St., Los Angeles, CA 90042
323-255-6456 • gro.alsuitangitsnull@ettehcnalba
ANABEL RODRIGUEZ Saint Michael Elementary School, 1027 W. 87th St., Los Angeles, CA 90044
323-752-6101 • moc.nsmnull@iva_ana
BARBARA MOODIE St. Anthony-Immaculate Conception School, 299 Precita Ave., San Francisco, CA 94110
415-648-2008 • gro.fsciasnull@eidoomb
ALEX ENDO Saint James School, 321 Fair Oaks St., San Francisco, CA 94110
415-647-8972 • en.fssjsnull@odnea
MICHELLE ESOBAR St. Elizabeth Elementary, 1516 33rd Ave., Oakland, CA 94601
510-532-7392 • gro.odscnull@rabosem

School Development Directors
COLLEEN O’BRIEN CONSOLA St. Michael’s School, Los Angeles, gro.snaidraugleahcimtsnull@alosnocc
SISTER JULIE DISTEL, O.P. St. Elizabeth School, Oakland, gro.snacinimodjsmnull@eiluj
JULIA CLARK DOBEL St. Anthony-Immaculate Conception School, San Francisco, gro.fsciasnull@lebodj
SUSAN HUBBARD St. Frances X. Cabrini, Los Angeles, gro.inirbacxfsnull@drabbuhs
TERRY OLMOS Santa Teresita School, Los Angeles, gro.loohcsatiseretatnasnull@somlot
FRANCESS SANTOS St. James School, San Francisco, ten.fssjsnull@tnempoleved
ISELA MARTINEZ URTEAGA Sacred Heart Elementary, Los Angeles, gro.altraehdercasnull@zenitrami
ISELA MARTINEZ URTEAGA. Saint Ignatius School, Los Angeles, gro.alsuitangitsnull@zenitrami
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Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope | 1555 34th Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601 | Phone: 510-533-5768
Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our EIN number is 94-3356021, and our tax-exempt status is granted under a group exemption with the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops.